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Thank you for visiting

I want to thank you for taking the time to visit my blog and explain a little about my writing process.


This page has been active for a few months now and I've just published my second blog. I thank you for your patience and I hope that the finished products were worth the wait.


I work full-time and I'm a mum to some little ones. So my daylight hours I am earning, my dusk hours are spent toddler wresting (play, feed, bath and bed) and my evenings hours I eat and then collapse in what may look like a boneless heap (too visual!?).

On top of my general life being some what chaotic, I am also pretty well skilled at disassociation and distraction. For my writing to be what it is, I need to delve into feelings I spend 99% of the time avoiding.


What's more is my blogs are written from my soul, so to truly deliver what i want to I need to be in a specific place to feel the words, but in a logical enough mind to be able to form them.


My first blog followed an incident with family where I had been treated poorly by another family member. I eventually called out the behaviour (politely but concise) and the other person publicly cried. I was then called out for my actions and the comments 'but you're stronger' came from my parents. This injustice powered blog #1.


Blog #2 followed recent events in America and the treatment of BAME communities by those in power. After discussions with friends it became apparent that we are all accepting of poor behaviour of others by a subtle shift of responsibility back to the victim. In no way do i liken what these incidents entail to the specifics of what is happening in  America, but the conversations that followed got my juices flowing and so came blog #2.


In essence what I am trying to say is that I aim to deliver quality not quantity. So although I won't publish frequently generally speaking, I hope that when I do publish I can reach you and connect with you with my words and share with you a little part of who I am behind the curtains.


Once again, thank you for your patience. I will do all I can to make it worth the wait.


5th June 2020 Secretly Surviving


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